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Thus, Web. applications such as personal websites have been gradually replaced by blogs, wikis, and all the Web. participative tools. The exact meaning of the term is perceived by the definition given on Wikipedia's Website Web. Web., used to describe buy instagram pva the new generation of the Web that is based on the increasing ability of Internet users to share Information and collaborate online. There is a new definition of online social networking, according to which Social Networking is the act of interacting and connecting with others in a social online environment through the use of a website. Social networking Traditionally takes place mainly through new electronic social media tools. This new generation is a dynamic online platform in which users can interact without specialized knowledge of computer and networking issues. In Miller P.'s article, Web.: building the new library, it outlines the basic instagram pva service features of Web. Which is: the aim of creating a greater achievement than it could make someone individually.



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For this reason, collective intelligence is often referred to as the Wisdom of Crowds. A perfectly representative example of collective intelligence is the Wikipedia site. Man is by nature a social being, argued Aristotle. The sense of belonging to a community has always been his concern defines the community as a group of people who learn and interact together, building relationships that have the effect of creating a sense of belonging and mutual commitment to people. From the above it becomes clear that we are now in the age of the Social or Participate Web as the researchers usually call Web.



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As the latter allows for increased participation and interaction among users and also gives them the opportunity to express themselves, to communicate, to create and contribute to the development, evaluation, and distribution of content on the Internet, thus turning them from voyage 'consumers' information in producers» O' Reilly,,; MIC,; OECD,. According to, one of the main features of the Inclusive Web is User Generated Content. The term was widely disseminated in and according to while Web. is the technological and ideological basis, the UGC can be seen as the sum of all the ways in which people use the social media that will Analyze in a next section. In particular, the term used to describe the various forms that may have a content that is created end users of social media and published them.



















Although in the international literature an official and commonly accepted definition of UGC does not exist, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to be considered UGC content, it should have key features: Be published on a website or social page Networking, be the result of creative effort, and be created by simple users without the use of professional practices. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the UGC appears in many forms online such as images, audio, video, customer reviews/ feedback, educational content, mobile content. The innate tendency of man to communicate and his need for interaction with instagram pva service his peers found an outlet through social networking. According to, social networking is defined as the practice of expanding knowledge through the creation of links with people with similar interests. As perceived by the above definition through social networking, man meets his strong need, that of association, creating networks with other people, and being able to exchange ideas, views, experiences, and enrich his knowledge.

Social networking is therefore a basic human activity, but it has been adopted by technological advances throughout history telephone, radio, postal services, the internet, thus breaking down the real boundaries of its real-time and placement. In the age of Web., social networking is transformed, transformed into online activity and is linked to view more technology services and software that allows people to communicate with others from anywhere at any time.

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